TRU-PAQUE – אופק נוזלי למתכת

מק"ט: 630110 קטגוריות: ,


אופק נוזלי למיסוך מתכת בעבודות אקריל וקומפוזיט ומיסוך ווים בתותבת יצוקה. מתקשה באוויר לשכבה של 5-7 מיקרון תוך 15 שניות. ניתן להשיג בצבעים: ורוד, לבן, צהוב בהיר וצהוב כהה.

הוראות עבודה

TRU-PAQUE – Instructions:

  1. Shake the bottle well before using.
  2. Apply after boilout on the cool, dry metal surface.
  3. Make sure there is no residual wax or greasy film.
  4. Roughen / sandblast the polished metal surface to enhance the bond. Can be used under all acrylics, bis-acrylic and composite resins, self or light cured resins.
  5. Apply thin and keep thin by adding thinner as needed.

To enhance the bond of Tru-Paque:

  1. It is recommended to first mix a few drops of the desired Tru-Paque color into a dappen dish along with 5-6 drops of self-cure monomer and stir the liquids together.
  2. Sprinkle a small amount of self-cure acrylic powder into the mix and allow it to start to thicken up, stirring the mix to make it uniform.
  3. Brush this coating onto the metal surface and allow it to cure. Because it is a soupy mix, it will take longer to cure. The addition of the resin and monomer will make the opaque liquid become a harder film. It will not be dislodged during packing of the acrylic over the surface nor be affected by the monomer which could otherwise soften and dislodge the Tru-Paque film.

Tru-Paque pink is a shade used on the mesh of the framework.
